Thursday, March 13, 2014

DIY Cloth Safe Butt Cream

My poor dd gets really bad rashes. So bad we always have to take her to the acc (acute care clinic) to get medicated creams. Which means I have to put her in a sposie and lather her up with a heavy thick paste. YUCK! I have been trying to make more homemade natural things for my family, especially for my daughter. Baby products have awful ingredients. HELLO, this stuff goes on our children! Prior to making my own cream I was using Boudreaux's Butt Paste. That stuff works great, but unfortunately it's not cloth diaper safe. Bummer, huh? A few weeks ago I ordered from Lil Tulips (my favorite cloth site) and needed a few more dollars in my order to allow for free shipping. I search sample and came across CJ's Butter so I order 3 tea tree scented samples. The cost was $1.50 for .5 oz. I was excited to get this on my daughter's bum! The smell was amazing I tell you. I loved everything about it, accept the cost. I decided to do some research and came across a few different homemade recipes that I really liked. It is so wonderful and works great on my daughter's stubborn rashes. She is just getting over a nasty virus and was having about 6 dirty diapers a day and it caused a rash. It cleared it up, love love love it. The smell is just incredible too!

What You'll Need
- 1 C of Coconut Oil
- 2 Tbsp Calendula Flowers
- 2 Tbsp Chamomile Flowers
- 1/2 C Shea Butter (raw & unrefined)
- 7 drops of tea tree essential oil
- 4 drops of lavender essential oil 
- Cheese Grater 
- 1 Tbsp Beeswax
- Container

Gather all your ingredients

Grate a tablespoon of beeswax

In a double boiler (I used a thick glass bowl in a pot) Boil a few inches of water. Add your coconut oil. Then place your beeswax, chamomile and calendula flowers in with the coconut oil. Keep the heat going on low/med for at least an hour or until the coconut oil turns yellow and smells of chamomile and calendula. 

Carefully strain the flowers out, carefully reserving as much infused coconut oil as possible. A strainer like this is your best option. Make sure all visible pieces of the flowers are removed.

Add your shea butter into the infused coconut oil. Use a fork to stir/mash the shea butter in

Once all the shea butter is mixed in go ahead and add your essential oils

Your cream is now done, now just give it some time to set and thicken. I personally wasn't a fan of the cream in the tube. Hope you enjoy your all natural butt cream !

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